Saturday, October 30, 2010

Jackass 3D review

Yes, thats right. I am reviewing Jackass 3D. But you say, how can this movie be reviewed? Its easy, just a bunch of guys getting hurt, pulling pranks on each other, and lots of gross out gags. Well yes, that is what Jackass 3D pretty much is, but at the same time, why not nitpick at it, and dig deeper into it?
Well in the opening credits, the Jackass guys go all out and show that they have come a long way since a low budget, controversial show on MTV. With epic 3D moments with "The Kids are Back" by Twisted Sister playing is hands down awesome. And just sets the mood for the entire film reminding you that, oh yes, Jackass is back.
Obviously if you cant tell from the title, this movie is in 3D, and the opening credits of this film take advantage of this perk in every single frame, giving you a preview of what was to come..sort of.

Jackass 3D pulls out all the stops with the gross out moments, which in a way overwhelm the film. Don't get me wrong, Jackass is all about the gross outs, but in the show and previous films, there was a healthy mix of the gross outs and physical humor. So if you see it, prepare to be grossed out about something..I dont care how strong your stomach is, there are some very disgusting moments in this film.
Aside from the normal skits, pranks, and gross outs you see in a Jackass film, you see 2 different visual components. The 1st is obviously for the 3D. Now, in this age of EVERYONE being in 3D just for the hell of it, Jackass made their movie specifically for 3D, making you feel like you are really there at times. Unfortunatley there are moments in the film where the 3D is absolutley pointless, which was to be expected so you cant really hold them accountable. But the moments in 3D are completely worth it and just add to the laughs.

The second aspect added to the filming of this movie is the heavy use of high speed cameras, which was an ingenious (if not too late) thing to do for the Jackass franchise. You see every hit, every injury and every vomiting inducing moment in ultra slow mo. Which if you think about it, is everyones favorite part of a Jackass in conclusion of that, expect a lot of Slow-Mo, but get ready to laugh.
The best part about this movie is the fact that the cast and crew send this out to their fans. At the end of the film, they make it clear that they are done with Jackass. No more shows, no more movies, no more MTV takeovers which induce Steve-O to go into rehab.

The end credits roll with outtakes, extra skits and the boys singing "Memories" by Weezer and a new acoustic rendition of "If youre going to be dumb you gotta be tough" and then it hit me..I was sad! A JACKASS movie was making me sad! How? Why? Well, you see on screen that this is it for Jackass..and it sucks. I grew up with those guys..they always made me laugh. Always picked me up when I had a crappy day, and were there to remind me that in life, you need laughter. And thats what the guys always loved about doing Jackass (besides the money). They had fun with their jobs, and became closer as friends. And it completely shows at the end of this film. It was quite a send off.
All in all, if you ever enjoyed Jackass, I highly recommend the film. It made for a very fun night out. It was funny, gross, and just a little bit offensive. And if you dont like Jackass, give it a shot. At the least, it could be fun. And if you hate Jackass, then dont hate on it..some people in this world (like myself) like to laugh..especially when the people getting hurt love to do it for their audience.

MY RATING: 4 out of 5

The film looses one star because the gross out moments did seem like they overwhelmed the film, and overall made the film feel a little rushed at times, all in all, it was a fantastic film, with hilarious moments, a fantastic soundtrack and a great way to wrap up the franchise. RIP Jackass

Thursday, October 21, 2010

H2: Halloween II review

A majority of horror movie remakes and sequel are ill-conceived , poorly written, involve nothing of the original, and have a sub-par cast. This is the golden child of everything that goes wrong in the sequel of a remake.

Halloween (2007) written and directed by Rob Zombie was one film that escaped the stereotypes of horror remakes. It had a fantastic back-story of Michael Myers, but also followed along the original story of Halloween (1978), so we had a mix-up and mash-up of the original story and we are given in-depth knowledge and history of our killer. As well, we are given numerous nostalgic goodies from the original film (i.e the UNTOUCHED AND UNALTERED Halloween theme). In a way Halloween(1978) and Halloween(2007) was an exellent bridge between the two stories, ushering new generations of Halloween fans.

Well of course at the end of Halloween (2007), we are given an ending that leaves it wide open for the sequel. Of course..all horror movies do that? "What you actually think he's dead?"
Well then Rob Zombie announces H2 and says and I quote "H2: Halloween 2" is 100 percent mine...if it's too similar it's a waste of time, and if it's too different everyone's upset"
Well guess what Rob? You got both out of me...a waste of time and I am upset.
H2 takes off right from the last sorta..not really. I wont put up any spoilers but watch it and you will see what I mean. 
There were more dream sequences in this film than actual scenes, and because of that, I felt like I disconnected from the whole plot line, and in turn, making me not care at all. The story itself was simple, but boring and predictable. Nothing made me jump, nothing scared me, and nothing grossed me out. He changed all the characters personas, and I mean like complete 180 change which just pisses you off. Don't you hate that? When you watch a movie enjoy a certain character, then come to sequel time, you hate that character because of the off screen decision to change that character.
Instead of having sympathy for Laurie Strode and saying "Run bitch! He gonna get you!", you just scoff and say, "just get it over with" She's whiny, bitchy, and all screwed up.

Zombie never really changed Michael Myers, which would have been the most dumbest move in movie history if he did. He's big, slow, and unforgiving..but wait till you see him without his just makes you laugh and roll your eyes.
All the promotions said "all loose ends are tied" and "learn more about Michael Myers" "Rob Zombie completes his masterpiece"...uhhhh no. The end left it completely open...AGAIN..and you don't learn one single thing new about Michael Myers..seriously what else is to learn? He's a psycho who can't stop killing anything in his path..end of story. 
Honestly, even with the open ending of the 2007 film, they should have left well enough alone, instead the took a great piece of work with H1 and just decided to spit in the face of the franchise with his sequel. So the film rolls to an end and the credits roll. And here is the only spoiler I will give out...the  HALLOWEEN THEME isn't even in this HALLOWEEN MOVIE. Does that not make any sense?!..oh wait..its at the end credits..yes that's the only part in the film that the Halloween theme is heard..I am sorry, that just does not make any sense.
Hands down, if you liked the first one, leave it at not bother with was a waste of my money, a waste of my time, and a waste of electricity even bothering watching it.

My Rating .5/5..Yes thats right I go as low as half a star. This film borders along (if not being worse) than any sequels in the 80s and 90s. The plot, ridiculous character development, and acting is just awful. The acting is actually more scary than the film actually intended to be.